Implementation of Sexual Orientation and Inclusive Gender Identity Monitoring survey

Closed 27 Nov 2019

Opened 30 Sep 2019


NHS England is conducting a survey to ascertain the extent to which services are currently collecting Sexual Orientation Monitoring data for patients.

The Sexual Orientation Monitoring Information Standard provides the categories for recording sexual orientation but does not mandate collection. It provides the mechanism for recording the sexual orientation of all patients/service users aged 16 years and over across all health services and Local Authorities with responsibilities for Adult social care in England (although it might be used more widely by local authorities) in all service areas where it may be relevant to record this data. In settings and circumstances where this information is collected, it should be recorded in line with the standard.

Further information about the Standard can be obtained here:

This standard enables health and social care organisations to monitor sexual orientation in a way that is consistent with all other parts of the healthcare system.

The implementation of this standard can deliver benefits across a number of areas:

  • care providers and commissioners are able to demonstrate that there is equitable access for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) individuals;
  • care providers and commissioners have an improved understanding of the impact of inequalities on health and care outcomes for LGB populations;
  • policy makers, care providers and commissioners can better identify health risks at a population level. This will support targeted preventative and early intervention work to address health inequalities for LGB populations, thereby reducing expenditure linked to treatment costs further down the line.

Research shows that LGB people experience greater health inequalities compared to heterosexual people, such as being at higher risk of poor mental health or missing out on routine health screening. If a healthcare service collects information on patient sexual orientation, they will be able to target specific health promotion and services to LGB patients: for example, promoting cervical screening to lesbian and bisexual women; or referring young LGB people experiencing poor mental health to a specific LGB young people’s service.

The data collected will help the LGBT Health Team to target wider take-up of Sexual Orientation Monitoring and to begin our work on inclusive gender identity monitoring. It is not compulsory to fill out this survey. The data will be anonymised, unless you wish to leave your contact details for further follow up. We are interested in areas that have successfully implemented Sexual Orientation Monitoring, as well as those that have not, and the reasons why.

This survey may be completed by more than one person in an organisation (please specify role).

Surveys should be completed by: 27 November 2019

PAC clearance: 000978


  • All NHS Staff


  • Equality and diversity